An Ebony Tower Whiz-A-Thon
Source: Houston Chronicle

Prairie View A&M is a state-funded Ebony Tower in the Lone Star State, the has elephant and donkey clan hacks lining up to do battle. Notable Ethnocrats within the donkey clan - Sheila Jackson Lee, plus assorted other members of the Congressional Black Caucus - opine that this Ebony Tower's students qualify as residents under Mexas law, allowing them to vote in Mexas elections. Elephant clan hacks are trying to oppose this, in stealth mode, letting a local Mexas hack, Waller County District Attorney Oliver Kitzman play bull's-eye in this Ethnocrat uproar:

'...Kitzman wrote a letter to the county's election administrator, Lela Loewe. He said that students are not necessarily entitled to vote where they go to school. Kitzman stated in his letter that he wrote it because of citizen complaints that nonresidents had voted in recent Brookshire city elections...' (Chronicle)

Kitzman's political clan affiliation isn't revealed in this fishwrap piece, not that it matters. State law defines residential requirements for aspiring voters. If the students make the cut, cool. If not, tough luck...change the damn law to include them. The only reason the donkey clan hacks care is because these Ebony Tower scholars represent a large voting block that can swing an election. If you don't know that as a group, melanin-enriched voters are at least 90% donkey clan, you're not paying attention. That's the real reason this matters to political hacks.

Lotus Wench Whining
Source: Philadelphia Daily News

A Philly lotus wench named Susannah Park is unamused to the max over a popular Philly eatery named 'Chink's Steaks' and she demands that the restaurant change its name, right damn now. If a term like 'chink' gives her a boo-boo on her hypersensitive psyche, that's her personal problem, one that isn't shared by Philly diners who have enjoyed Chink's cuisine since 1949. Lotus dolly needs to lighten up and get a life, but don't hold your breath waiting for linear lotus wench mentaling.

Proving that here and there a rational adult eludes Korrectnik radar and gets elected, we have this stellar comment from City Councilwoman Joan Krajewski who 'decried Park for being too "touchy"...' (Daily News):

"I don't see anything wrong with it. It's not meant to insult. We have a lot of Asian people up here. I'm just really sorry that this whole thing is happening."...(Daily News)

If a restaurant named 'Chink's' is as bad as it gets for this lotus dolly, life is good, so I suggest that she shut the hell up and get on with it. She's the only one who gives these otherwise harmless sound waves the power to "dehumanize" her, so she's the one with the problem, not Chink's Steaks or its owners. If lotus pest can't stop being a lotus shrill, this pagan scribbler will be forced to come over there and give her a lesson in no shit sinister sound waves.

GLAAD-BAAG Golden Years
Source: Reuters

Where, you ask, do retirement age GLAAD BAAGs go when they're no longer 'up' for the bathhouse, and can't muster the energy to prance in the annual gay pride show and yell festival. Ultra liberal Sante Fe (New Mexico) just provided one answer, when city officials rolled out the red carpet for a 'retirement and assisted living community' for GLAAD BAAG seniors. Bold new concept.

This is a privately funded development - not funded by stolen taxpayer boodle - making this a no harm, no foul endeavor, for this pagan scribbler. I wonder if Talibanma's holy roller horde would be equally welcoming? I seriously doubt it, but I digress...again.

Kudos to Sante Fe are deserved and freely given, for letting the marketplace take care of GLAAD-BAAG seniors' retirement needs. Who knows...this marketplace solutions scam might catch on in Sante Fe...Okay...OKAY, I'm not that simple, either, so stop bothering me.

Diversity Demon Uproar
Source: San Francisco Chronicle

The fun fact about diversity is that no matter how hard you try to appease the diversity demons, it's never good enough, but don't take my word for it, ask San Francisco's new mayor, Gavin Newsome. Mayor Newsome went the extra mile to validate his diversity devotion. His chief of staff is a GLAAD-BAAG - a first for the city. His diversity resume also includes the city's first blatantly y-naut, melanin-enriched school board member, plus the fact that his first official visit as mayor took him to the Castro district - GLAAD-BAAG ground zero. With all this going for him, you'd expect Gavin to be beloved by the properly-hyphenated horde, including - especially - GLAAD-BAAG's. If that's what you think, get over it.

Despite Newsome's GLAAD-BAAG pandering antics, diversity demon panties are in a wad over an essay read at his inaugural.

'...The four-page essay, authored by state librarian Kevin Starr and read by actor Ed Asner, was entitled "San Francisco, City and The World" and charted the evolving ethnic diversity of San Francisco...' (Chronicle)

GLAAD BAAG's lisped, hissed and pouted because they weren't mentioned in the essay, to which I respond: well, duh! As essay writer Starr points out, he was asked to extol the city's ethnic diversity, period. The last time I checked, GLAAD BAAG is not an ethnicity, but it's pointless to attempt reasoning with egregiously-emotional diversity dolt whiners. No good deed goes unpunished? You better believe it, diversity-pandering Sparky.

V-Day Cometh
Source: Fox News

Valentines Day, that tribute to capitalist exploitation, is fast approaching, but don't hold your breath waiting for NO-NAD's to celebrate it with cards, flowers or candy. For them, this annoying, but otherwise harmless blight on the calendar is 'V Day', an ignoble day that celebrates patriarchal oppression over the fair sex.

'...What is V-Day? It is self-described by organizers -- a coalition of feminist organizations -- as a global event to combat violence against women, which occurs in the weeks surrounding Valentine's Day...' (Fox)

A blatant assault on everything male - The Vagina Monologues - will be trotted out, in a variety of NO-NAD infestations, including...especially, your local Ivory Tower. This male bashing adventure is described by Fox columnist, Wendy McElroy, thusly:

'...The play consists of 15 vignettes in which women speak out as vaginas -- about their experiences, including rape, lesbianism, and genital mutilation. (Puzzling, I know, to those who thought feminists objected to women being viewed as body parts.)...' (Fox)

Big Fun, but the original play included this stop the presses gem:

'...The original play included a scene entitled "The Little Coochi Snorcher That Could" -- a reference to the nickname of a 13-year-old vagina. A 24-year-old woman plied the child-vagina with alcohol, and then they had sex. Both by statute and feminist definition, this is rape. Nevertheless, the Coochi Snorcher declared, "... if it was rape, it was a good rape."...' (Fox)

Try portraying the same events with a male seducer and you could hear the resulting No Nad shrieking on Pluto! When some rational adults protested this pedophilia, the play's author, Eve Ensler elevated the wenchlet's age from 13 to 16, making it okey dokey, but just barely. No matter what age she makes the seductee, this would still be vilified as rape if the seducer is a male. In fact, similar cases have been rendered newsworthy by campus based No Nads under the more familiar name, date rape. Obviously, one essential component in the V-Day arsenal is the ubiquitous NO-NAD double standard.


A Race Card Adventure
Source: Seattle Times

When Marysville (Washington) teachers staged on their 49 day strike, last fall, school superintendent Linda Whitehead endured criticism from parents and teachers alike. Superintendent Whitehead should - like any rational adult - chalk this unpleasant reality up to the fun fact that criticism goes with the job. Grit your teeth and get over it seems to be the only reasonable response. Alas, Ms. Whitehead has her own ideas on the subject.

That's right, Educrap fans...Linda is melanin-enriched. In fact, she's the first melanin-enriched, the first female, school superintendent in her district, an irrelevant fact that convinces Linda that the strike - plus the resulting criticism - are racially motivated. Somebody should slap this wench and order her to get over it. Should, but won't. Instead, egged on by an egregiously Korrect Educrat, this wench spouted drivel about the district's 'Human Dignity Policy', prodding the race card -phobic jellyfish on the School Board into launching an investigation.

Linda, babe, if you can't take the Educrap heat, get your whimpering Ethnocrat ass out of the Superintendent job kitchen. Don't make me come up there.

Diversity Bonkers
Source: Seattle Times

Diversity dimwits obsess on the inconsequential so completely that they can't see the big picture. This is especially true when dealing with diversity bonkers bureaucrats whose entire existence revolves around transforming the workplace into a statistically-meaningful mirror image for society at large. Bellevue (Washington) is a prime example. The usual suspects in this rain-soaked outpost are shocked, dismayed and outright alarmed that the firefighting profession is dominated - from sea to shining sea - by white males. I'm shocked, shocked I tell you.

For a decade or more, the city's Human Resources Department has gone to ridiculous lengths to lure the properly-hyphenated into the fire department, because the department's ethnic and gender breakdown must match, exactly, the local population breakdown. Why? I haven't got a clue, but these Korrectnik bureaucratic pinheads seem to think it's the be-all, end-all. And how, you ask, are they doing? Good question:
'...In Bellevue, the largest city on the Eastside, there are 191 firefighters. Eleven are women and 20 are minorities. In Woodinville, there are only four women and no minorities among its 70 firefighters. Mercer Island's department has neither women nor minorities...' (Seattle Times)

"They do some advertising, but don't come close to meeting diversity needs..." (Lisa Hawkins, a member of the Eastside Consortium of Firefighters and part of Bellevue's Human Resources Department, as quoted by the Seattle Times)
Could someone...any-damn-one define a 'diversity need', as it relates to putting out fires? Do the properly-hyphenated provide certain job-related skills that oppressors can't...or won't? Do NO-NAD's bring a necessary skill that makes putting out fires easier? Or, is this frantic hyphen-hunting another Korrectnik brain-fart that adds nothing to the task at hand? If you don't know the answer, then ask yourself this: Do you really give a flaming damn about the firefighter's pedigree when your domicile is ablaze?

Self-Affirming Soundwaves
Source: San Francisco Chronicle

It's that time of year, I suppose, because another properly-hyphenated 'victim' group just deployed new verbal trip-wires, to confuse those pesky Oppressors. This is hardly a new phenomenon among the properly-hyphenated. In bygone days, negroes evolved to 'blacks', then further migrated to 'African-Americans'. NO-NAD's gave a one finger salute to the patriarchy when they rejected 'women' and became 'womyn', instead. Determined to play with victimism's big boys, GLAAD BAAGs started as 'homosexuals', moved onward... upward to 'gay' and 'lesbian', then co-opted the homophobic putdowns 'dyke' and 'queer'. Far from content, these genderally-confused victims of heterosexual oppression just muddied the waters, big damn time with a dozen - perhaps more - terms that subdivided GLAAD BAAGs into numerous subsets.

For those who care, here, as reported in this 'Frisco fishwrap, are the latest GLAAD BAAG terms of endearment:

Someone who views the gender options as more than just male and female or who doesn't fit into the binary male-female system.

An umbrella term for transgression of the binary gender system. May include surgical, hormonal or nonhormonal changes that result in a gender identity differentfrom the one assigned at birth.

Someone attracted to people of multiple genders .

A transgender person attracted to people with a more feminine gender.

A transgender person attracted to people with a more masculine gender.

A boyish gay guy or a biological female with a boyish presentation.

A straight person with a queer mind-set .

Is your head spinning yet? Get a grip, Sparky, because we're just getting started:
'...The list of terms -- which have hotly contested definitions -- goes on: "FTM" for female to male, "MTF" for male to female, "boydyke," "trannyboy, " "trannyfag," "multigendered," "polygendered," "queerboi," "transboi," "transguy," "transman," "half-dyke," "bi-dyke," "stud," "stem," "trisexual," "omnisexual," and "multisexual."...' (Chronicle) Making things more confusing still we have these fun facts:

'Homosexual' is deemed too clinical by most GLAAD BAAG's.
Melanin-enriched GLAAD BAAG's deem 'queer' and any terms containing it as 'too white'. Preferred terms include "same-gender-loving-people" and "men who sleep with men".

Amexican GLAAD BAAG's favor the clinical, but ethnically correct 'homosexual', since this term is deemed Spanish and therefore, okey-dokey.
What if anything, does all those terminological turmoil mean? It appears, to this perceptive pagan scribbler, that, gradually, GLAAD BAAGs are shedding the one-size-fits-all terms like homosexual, queer, etc., and opting for more individualized terms that apply to a much smaller, more exclusive group. If I didn't know better, I'd opine that GLAAD BAAGs are suffering from infectious individualism. Bold New Concept.

Siberian-Amerikan Snit
Source: Reuters

Siberian-Amerikan whiners at the Gulag on the Bay's Native American Cultural Center (NACC) are donning the war paint in the aftermath of this year's Grammy Awards broadcast. Apparently an alleged singing group named OutKast did something vaguely 'Injun' and it didn't thrill NACC whiners spitless: "It was the most disgusting set of racial stereotypes aimed at American Indians that I have ever seen on TV," NACC board member Sean Freitas said in the online statement. (Reuters)

And what, you ask, shocked Sean right out of his moccasins? This loincloth incinerating question brings us to our Paul Harvey Moment:
'...The piece opened with the sound of drums and smoke wafting from a tepee-shaped structure before a group of female dancers emerged to bump and grind in skimpy, fringed costumes, braided hair and feathered headdresses...' (Reuters) Faster than you can say tomahawk chop, NACC is spewing drivel about boycotting CBS, Arista Records and National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences. A heartbeat later, CBS is apologizing like there's no tomorrow and OutKast members are wondering aloud 'Is it something we said?'. If this is as bad is life gets for Siberian-Amerikans, they need to shut the hell up and enjoy it.

A Race Card Epic
Source: Florida Times-Union (2/26)

A melanin-enriched, land-of-hanging-chads Congresswench went race card postal when the Assistant Secretary of State tasked with Latin American affairs refused - per the Lapdog's instructions - to 'unilaterally' intervene in Haiti. Coming unglued, as only an ethnocrat wench can, Representative Corrine Brown, laid into the state department hack big time:
'...[She] verbally attacked a top Bush administration official during a Washington briefing on the Haiti crisis Wednesday, calling the president's policy on the beleaguered nation ''racist'' and his representatives ''a bunch of white men.''...' (Times-Union) As fun as this already is, it gets better, thanks to the thrilling fact that the besieged hack is melanin-advantaged. Well schooled in victim-speak, state department hack, Roger Noriega, retorted: "As a Mexican-American, I deeply resent being called a racist and branded a white man" (Times-Union). And what, you ask did the Congresswench reply? She told the dude that "you all look alike to me". Ouch! Game, set match to the melanin-enriched whiner.

The usual vast right-wingnuts are 'alarmed' over Corrine's antics, a predictable response during an election cycle. It's a response aimed at the Lapdog's favorite ethnic constituency: Sombrero Stompers. Will it work? Probably not, because being a melanin-enriched whiner means never having to say "I'm sorry."

Afrocentrism Unmasked

Source: Skeptics Dictionary

Two excerpts from this excellent resource give you the essential facts about this melanin-enriched brain-fart:
'...Afrocentrism is a pseudohistorical political movement that erroneously claims that African-Americans should trace their roots back to ancient Egypt because it was dominated by a race of black Africans. Some of Afrocentrism's other claims are: the ancient Greeks stole their main cultural achievements from black Egyptians; Jesus, Socrates and Cleopatra, among others, were black; and Jews created the slave trade of black Africans....'

'...One of the more important Afrocentric texts is the pseudo-historical Stolen Legacy (1954) by George G. M. James. Mr. James claims, among other things, that Greek philosophy and the mystery religions of Greece and Rome were stolen from Egypt; that the ancient Greeks did not have the native ability to develop philosophy; and that the Egyptians from whom the Greeks stole their philosophy were black Africans. Many of James' ideas were taken from Marcus Garvey (1887-1940), who thought that white accomplishment is due to teaching children they are superior. If blacks are to succeed, he said, they would have to teach their children that they are superior.

'...James's principal sources were Masonic, especially The Ancient Mysteries and Modern Masonry (1909) by the Rev. Charles H. Vail. The Masons in turn derived their misconceptions about Egyptian mystery and initiation rites from the eighteenth century work of fiction Sethos, a History or Biography, based on Unpublished Memoirs of Ancient Egypt (1731) by the Abbé Jean Terrasson (1670-1750), a professor of Greek. Terrasson had no access to Egyptian sources and he would be long dead before Egyptian hieroglyphics could be deciphered. But Terrasson knew the Greek and Latin writers well. So he constructed an imaginary Egyptian religion based upon sources which described Greek and Latin rites as if they were Egyptian (Lefkowitz)...' (Skeptics Dictionary)

In other words, when you connect the literary dots, Afrocentrism stems from a 1731 fiction tome written by a dude who didn't have access to any Egyptian sources. Don't hold your breath waiting for his bitter reality to crop up in your Ivory Tower's black studies program, because it's never gonna happen.

MARCH 2004

Another Thrilling Athletic Moment
Source: Stealth News Wire [3/31]

Green Bay Packers great, Paul Hornung made the news, big time when he opined that his Alma Mater, Notre Dame, needs to lower its academic standards to attract more melanin- enriched athletes.  You gotta know that all the usual suspects came down on him like a ton of ethnocrat bricks.

"We open up with Michigan, then go to Michigan State and Purdue ... you can't play a schedule like this unless you have the black athlete today." — NFL great Paul Hornung says Notre Dame should lower academic requirements to 'get the black athlete.'

Dumb?  Probably.  Racist?  Not necessarily.  An honest assessment that recognizes the thrilling fact that as a group melanin-enriched gridiron warriors don't give a flaming damn about academic excellence?  Bingo!

Expensive Advice
Source: CBS [3/26]

When a Jersey High School basketball coach offered advice to a hefty, slow-footed player wench in 1995, he opened at $1.5 million dollar, shyster assault can of worms.  His problems began when he opined that quickness took center stage in his chosen basketball style.  Given that, a weight loss program might make the player wench more nimble, thus increasing her ability to help her team.

Faster than you can say "eating disorder", the hyper-emotional wench goes off the deep end into a self-inflicted diet bonkers hell.  Eventually, her blubbering so impressed an intellectual flat-liner jury that they awarded her a whopping $3 million in dead presidents, an award that got reduced to a paltry $1.5 million by a quasi-rational adult in judge's robes.

Personal accountability?  Neither the whining wench or this Jersey jury ever heard of it.

Another Boom Box Furor
Source: San Diego Union-Tribune  [3/19]

Southern Mexifornia Mecca Maniacs have their panties in a bunch over a boom box morning show parody, a hissy fit that prompted them to complain to the FCC tyrants.  I know what you're thinking and you're wrong.  It's not Howard Stern.  This epic features a local Hell-A boom box host named Bill Handel. 

'...[The parody] featured a pretend Muslim allegedly reading from the new Iraqi constitution using a heavy accent.  Its preamble said the constitution would promote injustice and the subjugation of women. Those entering heaven would be granted 72 virgins (an apparent reference to statements by the Sept. 11 hijackers) who would "not be hairy Iraqi women, but lovely Japanese schoolgirls." Iraqi adults, the skit said, would be allowed consenting relationships with "loving camels and goats."
The mock-Muslim repeatedly praised Allah while reading the script, which included sections that said "death to the Jews," "kill all the Jews" and "the Hebrew must die."...'  (Union-Tribune)

You don't need Nostradamus to guess that the instant the CAIR punks [Council on American Islamic Relations] heard this, they went true believer bonkers, a tantrum that prompted executives at a boom box outlet, KFI, to hang their heads in shame, issue abject apologies, and majorly kiss outraged Mecca Maniac butt.  Ironically, KFI is a Clear Channel station, so gutless Clear Channel dweebs felt obligated to grovel, apologize and kiss true believer butt, too.  So far, we're not hearing about a FCC response, but you gotta know that they'll find some damn way to slam dunk this allegedly humorous broadcast fare into the 'indecent' column.

Did this parody feature bad taste on steroids?  To Mecca Maniacs, no doubt.  Was it funny?  Very.  Can it be deemed indecent?  Not by any rational adult, but I predict that the FCC will slap them down hard on this one.  Free speech in Amerika?  Dead. For that, you can thank Michael Powell, John Ashcroft, the Lapdog, plus the howling, chronically- offended mob that cheers each new nail they pound into individual liberty's coffin..

Dumbing down content for kids in a quest for universal 'decency' is asinine and then some.  Rendering program content so tame that nobody can possibly get 'offended' is a million times worse.  Eventually, it sends boom box content back to it's primordial state, a featureless, content free  realm that serves up static from one end of the dial to the other.

A GLAAD BAAG Miscalculation?
Source: Washington Times [3/15]

GLAAD BAAG activists misread the political tea leaves when they invoked 1960's Civil Rights icons like Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks in their quest for Fourteenth Amendment protection regarding the 'right to marry'.  Melanin-enriched activists and politicians from across the political spectrum protested this comparison.  It's hardly a shock that melanin-enriched cross cultist padres reject 'gay marriage', but I admit that the Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson disappointed this pagan scribbler when he joined the gay bashing club. 

Jesse must be stunned to find himself on the same side of this issue as the way-lefty Congressional Black Caucus. Granted, their reasons differ, but intolerance is still an obscenity whether it stems from the Tome or some misguided devotion to melanin-enriched pride.  You disappoint me, Jesse, but I'll get over it.

Jesse and his traditional ethnocrat foes have one thing in common: they all subordinate their individual identity to a group identity.  The ethnocrats are melanin-enriched, first, and individuals, second.  Jesse is a supernaturalist, first, placing his individual identity in a distant secondary position.

Hate Crime Bonkers In Mexifornia
Source: Inland Daily Bulletin  (Southern Mexifornia) [3/18]

On March 9, a Southern Mexifornia Ivory Tower went hate crime bonkers after an egghead professor found her car vandalized and covered with racial epithets dissing blacks and jews.  Shocked to their lefty core, Ivory Tower officials suspended classes, staged rallies then lionized the 'victimized' egghead - Kerri Dunn - for her passionate speech condemning campus-sullying hate.

Fast forward to the present and we discover this thrilling Paul Harvey Moment:

'...A Claremont McKenna psychology professor vandalized her own car last week and falsely reported the damages as a hate crime against her, police said Wednesday...'  (Daily Bulletin)

Since two eyewitnesses saw Ms. Dunn arrive with the hate speech was already on the car - they watched her  vandalize her own car - you'd expect the Ivory Tower leadership to hammer Dunn like there's no tomorrow.  If that's what you expect, you still don't get the big picture. Although Dunn is white, she's a way lefty and a NO NAD to boot. That should rescue her from any meaningful retribution...official or otherwise.  No lefty NO NAD egghead ever suffers the consequences, even when she's caught red-handed.

MAY 2004

Toll Booth Confrontation
Source: Sacramento Bee [5/31]

Determined to - silently - protest their supernaturalist cabal's doctrine on GLAAD BAAGs, certain rosary true believer parishioners wore rainbow colored sashes to their toll booth's Sunday service. Depending on which toll booth they attended, the sash wearers were ignored, verbally abused, or denied certain toll booth perks. In the Windy City, the official church response hit very close to home when priests at the Holy Name Cathedral refused to let the smugly shashed supernaturalists join the toll booth's ritual cannibalism. No doubt, the priests worried about spilling sacramental wine on those eye-catching rainbow sashes.

Has sash envy reared its head in this Chicago Toll Booth? Enquiring minds dare to ask the hard questions.

Oppressor Code
Source: Tongue Tied [5/31]

According to a melanin-enriched whiner, describing an individual with the descriptive term "ghetto" is blatant, oppressor-inspired racism. Deemed "racially incendiary" this term sent this ethnocrat off on a tangent, big damn time:

'...The Rev. Paul Scott, a Baptist minister and founder of the Messianic Afrikan Nation ministry in Durham, said the term was a "code word" of white supremacists to describe the actions of those in the black community...' (Tongue Tied)

Am I the only oppressor who missed the memo that defined the meaning and use for this brazen new oppressor code word? I'm shocked, shocked I tell you.

A Tattletale Headline
Source: Sacramento Bee [5/29]

This Mexifornia fishwrap's headline said it all: "Bill Cosby remarks divide black community". Implicit in the article's title is the notion that all blacks do...indeed should...think alike. Somehow, Cosby's reality check disrupted black solidarity. Go figure. Let whitey claim "all blacks think alike" and he'd be deemed a bigot in a heartbeat, but some Mexifornia fishwrap scribbler says it with impunity.

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
Source: Tongue Tied [5/24]

The Demand:

Los Altos (Mexifornia) High Gay Straight Alliance orders city council to make June 7 "Gay Pride Day"

The Response:

Korrectniks on the city council decide to be "inclusive" so they declare June 7 "Tolerance Day"

High School GLAAD BAAGs reaction:

"WAAAH! I'll tell my mommy on you."

This Pagan's Perspective:

The city council should tell these student GLAAD BAAG whiners to pound sand. If "tolerance day" exemplifies the city council's critical thinking, Los Altos is in very deep doo-doo.

Mexifornia Hate Crime
Source: Sacramento Bee [5/23]

A Southern Mexifornia ivory tower - University of California, Irvine - flew into a hyper tizzy because a makeshift, cardboard misery shrine got torched in the wee hours, last Thursday. Erected by Mecca Maniac students, the 6-by-8 foot "wall" protested the 425-mile wall Israel is building to keep homicidal arab asshats in their beloved West Bank enclaves.

Before the last ember stopped glowing, the usual suspects started whining "hate crime", demanding an official FBI investigation. Given recent, highly publicized faked "hate incidents", this pagan wonders if these Mecca Maniacs torched their own wall, to get sympathy, publicity, for their cause. Food for thought...Stay tuned.

Source: New York Daily News [5/20]

NAACP officials got more then they expected - more than they can handle - when they asked Bill Cosby to speak at their 50th Anniversary of Brown vs Board of Education gala in D.C. Addressing all the ethnocrat heavy hitters, Cosby administered an long overdue reality check. He started by contrasting 60's era civil rights warriors with today's melanin-enriched whiners:

'..."These people marched and were hit in the face with rocks to get an education, and now we've got these knuckleheads walking around," he declared. "The lower economic people are not holding up their end in this deal. These people are not parenting. They are buying things for kids - $500 sneakers for what? And won't spend $200 for 'Hooked on Phonics.'

"I can't even talk the way these people talk: 'Why you ain't,' 'Where you is' ... You can't be a doctor with that kind of crap coming out of your mouth!"

Turning to criminal justice, he said, "These are not political criminals. These are people going around stealing Coca-Cola. People getting shot in the back of the head over a piece of pound cake and then we run out and we are outraged, saying, 'The cops shouldn't have shot him.' What the hell was he doing with the pound cake in his hand?"...' (Daily News)

Despite his "massive donations to black colleges" (Daily News), Cosby's pointed prose didn't thrill career ethnocrats like NAACP President Kweisi Mfume spitless. Don't hold your breath waiting for that next Kweisi invite, Bill. It might make you feel better to know that this pagan scribbler salutes you for saying what needed to be said. Kudos are eagerly conferred. Bill, dude, you are the man!

JUNE 2004

A Windy City Race Card Epic
Source: ABC (Windy City Boob Tube Outlet)   [06/15]

When Bank One opened a new branch in a high crime neighborhood on Chicago's South Side, their security policy sent melanin-enriched Ethnocrats into a race card waving frenzy.
'..."It's pure racism, racial profiling, black while banking, it's stereotyping, it's sending every negative message you can send and doing it in the name of corporate," said Rev. Michael Pleger, Saint Sabina Catholic Church...'

'..." When Bank One only enacts such restrictive access and displays such offensive signage within this African American community, then this policy becomes demeaning, disrespectful, and discriminating," said Ill. Sen. Jacqueline Collins, 16th District...'   (ABC)

What, exactly, is this dastardly deed perpetrated by these Bank One oppressors?  It's a double door entrance with a metal detector installed between the outer and inner doors.  The so-called "offensive signage" is 'a red decal with a gun'.  Have they no shame?  I'm shocked, shocked I tell you.

A boycott is in the works to teach these money grubbers a lesson.  I'm not sure what that lesson entails, but I'm willing to do my share in 'supporting' this boycott.  This pagan scribbler will continue to do his banking closer to home...in Southern Mexifornia.

Another GLAAD BAAG Hissy Fit
Source: World Net Daily    [06/15]

W launched the usual GLAAD BAAG suspects into orbit when he refused to declare June "Gay Pride Month".  Differently-sexual, job-for-life federal employees are in a lather because, lacking an official Oval Office okey dokey, some federal agencies won't let them flout their sexual preference on government time...at taxpayer expense.  This presidential bitch-slap has their panties in a Gordian knot of epic proportions.  Poor babies.

Setting aside my attitude about the utterly frivolous "Gay Pride Month" crap-o-la, I give this notion a thumbs down because I'm forced to shell out for this swish-a-thon:

'...Prior to 2003, taxpayers paid for overhead expenses, including use of the Great Hall [U.S. Capitol Building], set-up and breakdown of microphones and added security costs because the event is held after hours...'  (WND)

If federally employed GLAAD BAAGs must celebrate their sexuality, they're free go for it...but they gotta pony up their own money for a venue and whatever else they need.  As usual, I feel your pain...Okay, I don't actually feel your pain, but I might give it a try, when I quit laughing at you.

Gray Bar Grooming Uproar
Source: Richmond Times-Dispatch   (Virginia)   [06/12]

A Virginia graybar grooming policy has some inmate panties in a bunch, because, it - allegedly - gives them a boo-boo on their supernaturalism.  According to the ACLU, Virginia's no facial hair, no long sideburns, and no hair below the collar rule violates the prisoners rights under some federal legicrap called the 'federal Religious land Use and Institutionalized Person's act'.  Using the ubiquitous federal dollars excuse, the law 'says any agency receiving federal money cannot restrict the free practice of religion' (Times-Dispatch).  Since the two whining groups - Muslims and Rastafarians - cite supernaturalist excuses for their hair grooming choices, the ACLU seems to have a point, albeit an asinine one.

Given Virginia hack's unabashedly Cross Cult bias, these prisoners might get their hair styles approved in New York minute, if they could cite Tome-based drivel as the reason. 

Source: Sacramento Bee    [6/11]

GLAAD BAAGs have their panties in a wad, thanks to the Neanderthals skulking in Virginia's legislature.  The recently approved 'Affirmation of Marriage Act', coupled with the legicrats' refusal to repeal the state's sodomy law - as mandated by the recent Supreme Court decision outlawing the Mexas sodomy law - put Virginia on the GLAAD BAAG shit list.  Swishing into action, a GLAAD BAAG cabal named "Virginiaisforhaters.org" is at the forefront of this GLAAD BAAG response:

'...[The Group] urges people not to buy products or services from Virginia-based companies and suggests tourists visit other states. The name is a play on the state tourism motto, "Virginia is for lovers."

Another group, Make Love Legal, is developing strategies for boycotting the 400th anniversary celebration of the founding of Jamestown in 2007...'  (Bee)

Boycotts are a feel good tactic that rarely work, so don't hold your breath waiting for Virginia hacks to change their Tome-driven antics anytime soon.  On the other hand, given the fun fact that the supernaturalist inmates are running this Southern-fried asylum, rational individuals might want to avoid this supernaturalist blight.

Korrectly Speaking
Source: Tongue Tied     [06/09]

Those evil soundwaves continue to give hypersensitive cretins a psychological boo-boo.  Today, we have not one, but two thrilling examples.

Evil Soundwaves I
Dallas Cowboy coach Bill Parcells launched Lotus Clan whiners into orbit when he deemed his assistants' trick plays as "Jap plays".  An apparent reference to the Rising Sun tap dance Sushi Slammers staged for our the U.S. Navy in Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, his comment earned a predictable response from the usual rice monkey suspects: 'racist, dehumanizing, insensitive, offensive, and disturbing' (Tongue Tied).

Evil Soundwaves II
When a speaker at a University of Oregon career guidance seminar opined that job seekers should 'make direct eye contact and use firm handshakes when meeting with prospective employers' (Tongue Tied), it shatter a properly-hyphenated wench's egregiously fragile psyche.

'...a student of color suggested that her culture does not encourage such interactions. The speaker then launched into an explanation that failure to follow his advice might lead a “blemish effect” that can harm the interviewee’s chances. The student of color interpreted that to mean that her culture was “a blemish” and was distraught...'  (Tongue Tied)

If that's all it takes to shatter this wench, she'll be thrilled beyond words when she strays into the rough and tumble real world.  Did the school tell her to 'get over it'?  Not a chance.  The usual Ivory Tower suspects are spewing drivel about diversity training, cultural sensitivity and the like.  Does anyone still wonder why Amerika is, increasingly, a nation populated by whining, chronically-offended asshats?

Amerika's Enemy Within
Source: Front Page Magazine   [06/07]

His name is Jose AngelGutierrez and he wants to destroy Amerika, by any means necessary.  Born in Mexas, his heart, soul and allegiance belong to Mexico.

"We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst come to the worst, we have got to kill him."  (Jose Angel Gutierrez, circa 1969.)

More adept at masking his sentiments, now, this Colonista hasn't changed his attitude one damn bit.  How thrilled must Mexas gringos be to know that their tax dollars support this assclown in his role as political science professor at University of Texas, Arlington?  Very, and that's a no shit fact.

Another Nanny State Brain-Fart
Source: News Max    [06/02]

Claiming that it violated a male's civil rights to give wenches a price break on drinks and cover charges,  Jersey's civil rights Czar just outlawed the venerable adult beverage emporium mainstay: ladies night.  I know what you're thinking and I agree: no civil rights cabal hack ever gave a flaming rip about a dude's civil rights, unless the dude is properly-hyphenated.  Am I the only one smelling another asinine NO NAD scam?  I doubt it.

Is this a feminist plot?  Don't know, don't really give a damn.  Whatever the real motives behind this bureaucratic brain-fart, it's a blatant violation of a business owner's property rights.  Adult beverage pricing is no shit none of the nanny state's damn business.  How many more times do I need to remind them?

Whitey Made Me Do It
Source: Tongue Tied    [6/01]

A melanin-enriched Oregon dude beat his 2-year-old son to death, but it's not his fault.  According to his shyster, the killer beat his son to death because long dead oppressors made him do it.

'...Lawyer Randall Vogt plans says his client, Isaac Cortez Bynum, whipped and broke his son’s neck and ribs because he suffers from post-traumatic slave syndrome....'  (Tongue Tied)

Post-traumatic slave syndrome?  Relentless oppressor racism gives melanin-enriched victims like this killer a psychological boo-boo that forces them to beat a two-year-old to death?  I way don't think so, Jamal.

JULY 2004

Ethnocrat Blithering
Source: Washington Times   [07/13]

NAACP President Kweisi Mfume continues to live down to my lower than whale shit expectations for his racist asshat blithering.

"When the ultraconservative right-wing attacker has run out of attack strategy," Mr. Mfume said, "he goes and gets someone that looks like you and me to continue the attacks."

"And like the ventriloquist's dummies, they sit there in the puppet master's voice, but we can see whose lips are moving, and we can hear his money talk."

"...they want to do away with many of our rights and much of the legacy of the NAACP. ... But those days are over and we aren't going back, so run your little right-wing media. Put a whisper here and an innuendo there. It won't work."  (Washington Times)

Kweisi, dude, it's time to increase the voltage on our shock treatments. This is not a drill.

Cosby Unloads, Again
Source: South Florida Sun-Sentinel    [07/09]

Bill Cosby continues to dispense reality checks to any black audience that will listen to him.  This week, while being honored by the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame for his stint as a member of the fabled Harlem Globetrotters, he strayed from sports, to his favorite topic.  Here are the relevant reality bytes from this Sun-Sentinel article:

"Listen, I don't really care," Cosby said of the critics. "You tell me about how harsh I am? Yes, I'm going to be harsh. There's an epidemic out here and I'm ringing the bell."

"It is not for media or anyone of this time anymore to say whether I'm right or wrong," Cosby said. "It is time, ladies and gentlemen, to look at the numbers. Fifty percent of our children are dropping out of high school. Sixty percent of the incarcerated male happens to be illiterate. There's a correlation.

"Tell the media to stop asking me what I think about people who don't believe what I'm saying or feel that I'm too harsh or feel that I'm just running my mouth because I'm old. Seventy percent of the teenagers pregnant happen to be African American girls. Don't ask me to soften my message. ... That's epidemic."

"I think as parents, we need to stop talking about it," Cosby said. "We need to embrace each other. And we need to make moves. Stop waiting for help to come. The help gets you in this position in the first place. Once you decide that your children have a better world graduating from high school, going to community college, going wherever to get a broader view and a better education. ... This is the way our ancestors saw it. Some of our ancestors were murdered because they were caught with books. And in 2004 we need to make that change."

Ronald McDonald In The Danger Zone
Source: AP   [07/08]

In September 2002, McDonald's caved in to Fat Nazi pressure and pledged to switch to a lower fat cooking oil for its french fries and other fried food, by February 2003, but things didn't go as planned, leading the burger chain into shyster infested, lawsuit waters.  It was only a matter of time before someone rolled the lawsuit dice and that time is...now.

'...The suit, filed on behalf of a California woman, says McDonald's has not disclosed "to the public in an effective manner that it had not switched to a new, healthier cooking oil."...'  (AP)

Is this public pledge grounds for a lawsuit?  It wouldn't be in a rational world, but in shyster-plagued Amerika, it's a slam dunk.  McDonald's backed away from the change to preserve product quality, not to mention the flavor Golden Arches customers crave, but don't hold your breath expecting a shyster to give a rip about  that when he's lined up for a big payday. 

Stay tuned to PIG  for all the gruesome shyster assault details.

Why didn't McDonald's play it safe and give customers the option to choose between the new, tastes like crap low fat oil or the classic, high fat oil?  It shouldn't be that hard to have one deep fryer rigged with the new oil.


Another Southwest Air Epic
Source: Houston Chronicle [08/29]

Another wide load is suing Southwest Airlines for giving her a boo-boo on her plus-size psyche. Trina Blake is a svelte 5-7, size 22, a fun fact that prompted a Southwest ticket agent to suggest that teensy Trina buy a second seat to accommodate her excess, carry-on...baggage. When Trina refused, she endured further 'alleged' abuse: "If you lift the seat arm, we'll charge you for a second seat." Shocking....utterly shocking.

Fear not, svelte Trina is lawyered up and suing the socks off Southwest Airlines, but there's a tragic consequence haunting our plus-size heroine. Those heartless Southwest Airlines Cossacks scarred teensy Trina so majorly that she can't fly...ever again.

Tell someone who cares, lard ass.

Spanish NO NAD Angst
Source: Seattle Post-Intelligencer [08/19]

Eight female ministers from the newly enshrined Spanish government have NO NAD panties in a bunch, after the ministers appeared, tastefully dressed, in a 'Spanish Vogue' photo layout. Unable to assault the photos as salacious, Spanish bra burners spewed the class warfare canards that come so easily to militantly Marxist...womyn.

'..."They are hardly doing us a favor," Elena Bustillo, president of Women for Democracy, was quoted as saying by the newspaper El Mundo. "You seek equality by working, not through a chic magazine. The ministers represent not 90 percent of Spanish women but 10 percent of the rich ones," Bustillo was quoted as saying...' (Post-Intelligencer)

Stop the presses: Irrational NO NAD shrieking is equally annoying with a Spanish accent. You heard it here, first.

Empire State DMV Black Flags Colonistas
Source: NBC [08/19]

The Empire State's DMV black-flagged 300,000 licensed drivers when their Social Security numbers didn't pass muster. The reasons for these SSN verification problems vary, but one tidbit raised this pagan's eyebrows to dangerous heights:

'...Since 2000, [DMV Commissioner Raymond] Martinez said, the DMV has uncovered "rampant and criminal acts of fraud" and has found hundreds of thousands of people who used false Social Security numbers. He said more than 100,000 New York residents may have had their Social Security numbers used by someone else. He described one case in which 57 people used one Social Security number...' (NBC)

Kudos to New York officials for doing the right thing, under intense [illegal] immigrant lobby pressure. Will Mexas, Mexifornia, et al follow New York's lead? No way in hell, Colonista Sparky.

Womyn In The News
Source: World Net Daily [08/19]

Planned Parenthood, ground zero in the No-NAD fight for 'reproductive rights', is the unlikely defendant in a race card bingo assault. According to 'several black and Hispanic male employees of Planned Parenthood of Los Angeles' (WND), racism - and sexism runs rampant throughout Planned Parenthood. In their complaint to Mexifornia's EEOC and the state's Fair Employment and Housing Administration, these properly-hyphenated dudes report that they were on the receiving end of 'constant slurs in a hostile and anti-male environment run by white women' (WND). White women just passed 'Go' as oppressors! How cool is that!

As usual, the more militant the Korrectnik cabal, the more likely they are to perpetrate the very outrages they vilify so noisily, when an oppressor perpetrates it. Since Planned Parenthood is NO NAD to its very core, why is it so shocking that they're egregiously, overtly anti-male? It doesn't shock this pagan, so why is this treated like breaking news?

Planned Parenthood's employee practices are - in reality - none of the government's damn business. If some asshat is so dim that he doesn't see the 'males need not apply' handwriting on the wall, he deserves whatever crap the white cunts dump on him. When you invade enemy territory, don't whine when they beat you senseless with a rolled up 'welcome' mat.

WND gleefully dishes all the dirt, including 'horror stories' from the usual 'unnamed' Planned Parenthood insiders, so, if that thrills you spitless I strongly suggest that you get your Paul Harvey Moment directly from the source.

Don't Call Me 'That'
Source: World Net Daily [08/18]

Engaged in a court fight against a proposed Louisiana constitutional amendment that bans gay marriage, a Louisiana shyster went postal the instant opposing shysters called him a - gasp - "homosexual". Lunging at the dastardly wretches, the red-faced dolt, gave them a high volume heads-up that informed them he was "a gay man", not a "homosexual". Whew! I'm so glad we cleared that up...Now, if someone could explain the difference to this puzzled pagan, everything would be perfect.

If you're looking for guidance from the ususal family values suspects, get over it. They're as puzzled as your favorite pagan scribbler:

"The suggestion that a legitimate descriptive word can be transformed into an epithet simply because one feels offended is ludicrous. It is also a sobering indication of where we are heading if the radical homosexuals have their way with hate-crimes legislation." "Homosexual activists leave no room for free speech. They arrogate to themselves the authority to determine who may and may not speak, and what language they must use." (Stephen Crampton, chief counsel for the American Family Association's Center for Law & Policy as quoted by WND).

Add "homosexual" to your GLAAD BAAG 'trip wire terms' list, stat, because we wouldn't want to give the limp-wristed, bun ranger darlings a boo-boo on their fragile psyche, would we? Well...Truth be told, this PIG scribbler doesn't really give a flaming, pink-triangle damn about their psyche. It's a pagan thing, so get over it.

An Aromatic Prance-A-Thon
Source: Seattle Post-Intelligencer [08/04]

When he dumped 3 tons cow pucky along the parade route, an Arkansas farmer named Wesley Bono made a recent gay pride parade an especially aromatic one for the GLAAD BAAGs perpetrated the usual foolishness. The Conway (Arkansas) proper authorities spewed drivel about "misdemeanor harassment", to which farmer Wes replied, "cow pucky is an especially stinky form of free speech". If convicted, Wes faces community service and paying for the cleanup costs.

As usual, I have several reactions:

Given the prerequisite depravity exhibited at your standard issue gay pride prance-a-thon, who knew it was possible to Emerilize its...stench.

Community service for harassing GLAAD BAAGs, makes me wonder if the punishment will fit the crime. Is Wes destined to apply leather polish to bun ranger chaps and spit shine those legendary Y-Naut boots?

Who the hell knew that Conway, Arkansas [population 43,167] had the GLAAD BAAG critical mass necessary for a prance-a-thon.

Is cow pucky really free speech? Only if you're standing upwide, Sparky

Another Marriage Assault
Source: San Francisco Chronicle [08/04]

A King County (Washington State) Superior Court judge Emerilized the gay marriage debacle when he ruled that denying GLAAD BAAGs the right to marry violated their Constitutional rights. As fun as this sounds, its just a trial balloon, since he stayed implementation until the state Supreme Court reviews the case. Is Washington State destined to join the Bay State in Morality Nazi purgatory? Stay tuned for all the thrilling details.


Apology Not Accepted
Source: Pagan Scribbler News Wire [09/28]

A GLAAD BAAG cabal called 'the Capital City Alliance' isn't impressed with Jimmy Swaggart's apology for his 'if a bun ranger makes a pass at me I'll kill him' comments. They're demanding that the relevant authorities at the IRS 'investigate the tax-exempt status of Jimmy Swaggart Ministries' (AP). I feel their pain, but their reasoning is suspect, at best:

"Swaggart Businesses/Ministries should not continue to enjoy the benefits of 'tax-free living' when his organizations use millions of tax-free dollars to travel around and degrade taxpaying Americans." (AP)

Based on that alleged 'logic', the NAACP, Je$$e's Rainbow Coalition, and every other tax exempt victim coddling group would lose their tax exempt status. That sounds okey dokey to this pagan, but I'm guessing it won't thrill these lisping lamebrains spitless. Logic has never been a prime victimism punk trait. You heard it here, first.

Angst-Ridden News Nuggets
Source: Pagan Scribbler News Wire [09/28]

Colonista Angst
Refried retards and their fellow - lefty to the max - travelers are shocked, shocked I tell you, that Mexifornia's action hero governor vetoed the Drivers Licenses for Illegals bill. In fact, they're so peeved by the bill's untimely, uh, termination that they're making noises about 'organizing protests and a national boycott of California to disrupt convention business' (AP). Big, big fun.

Somebody needs to tell them that a boycott hits the low end jobs first, hardest. If they really want to stage a meaningful protest, the border jumping scum should boycott invading Mexifornia, uninvited and those already there, illegally, should go the hell home. That will show those dastardly oppressors.

Torah True Believer Angst
If you pressed them...very hard, Florida's most devout Torah True Believers might opine that Hurricane Jeanne is, obviously, a Satanic plot to distract Torah True Believers from, properly, observing Yom Kippur, their holiest day of the year. Drat that pesky Devil, anyway.

These true believers face a Hobson's Choice, big damn time. If they cease preparing for Hurricane Jeanne at sundown on Friday, they might very well be folded, spindled and mutilated by this killer storm. If they continue their preparations, and violate Old Ka-Boom's sacred laws, this anger-challenged deity will demonstrate how he got his name.

What's a true believer to do? I haven't got a clue, but, I'm guessing that, somehow, it will all be this pagan's fault. How could I know that sacrificing a virtual virgin's, uh, purity on that pagan bed...I mean alter...would cause all this trouble? I'm guessing there's more than one reason Satan is called a "horny Devil".

Quota Hiree Angst
A federal judge gave womyn and melanin-enriched applicants for the Arkansas State Police a nasty surprise when she 'lifted an order that required the Arkansas State Police to maintain a certain percentage of blacks and women' (AP). For those who care, the quotas are 15% melanin-enriched and 46% womyn, making melanin-enriched womyn a double threat, quota-wise.

When examined closer, the news isn't as bad as it seems. Judge Susan Webber Wright hedged her bets by delaying implementation for two years, and adding a nifty "if nobody objects" clause. Trust me, darlin, Je$$e and Company will be there with bells on to object. In Je$$e's alleged mind, the only properly diverse labor force is one that doesn't employ a single oppressor. Public safety? The properly-hyphenated don't really give a rip.

Siberian-Amerikan Angst
A poll conducted by the University of Pennsylvania's National Annenberg Election Survey, found that only 9% of the Siberian-Amerikans polled deem the D.C. gridiron moniker, Washington Redskins, offensive. This result tracks with a 'Sports Illustrated' 2002 survey on the same issue. In that poll, 75% of the Siberian Amerikans polled deemed 'Redskins' okey dokey for the D.C. sports franchise.

No sooner were the Annenberg results released than the usual, Siberian-Amerikan, suspects kicked up a fuss. The Siberian-Amerikan whiner chosen to rally the tribe is Vernon Bellecourt - president of the National Coalition on Racism in Sports and the Media, executive committee member of the Amerikan Indian Movement. He claims that the both polls are "flawed", since no 'real' Siberian-Amerikan would harbor such unauthorized beliefs. Those polled by Annenberg and S.I. might 'think' they're Siberian-Amerikans, but that's just wishful thinking.

In his own words, as conveyed in the Washington Times, this whiner insists that the following are all true, honest injun:

'..."White persons suffer a real identity crisis, and they romanticize with us mythically. And a white person always will say, 'I'm part Indian and I don't object to the name, Redskins.' "

'..."about half" of those who claim to be Native Americans wrongly think they are, because "they were born in America."...'

'..."almost 100 percent of Native Americans totally object to our continued use as mascots for America's fun and games."...'

Translation: If you don't tow the authorized tribal line, you're a delusional paleface, and thus, not a real Siberian-Amerikan. Vernon Bellecourt is the poster punk for group think. Disagree with him and you are o-u-t of the tribe. You heard it here, first.

Freudian Slip?
Source: Honolulu Star Bulletin [09/23]

Those who attended the Navy's sexual harassment prevention class at Pearl Harbor were thrilled spitless when the petty officer running the computer generated presentation flashed a naked hottie's image on the theater screen. Needless to say, the bovine excrement hit the fan, with a thunderous "splat", landing the petty officer in hot water up to his neck.

The guilty party's exact quote isn't available, but I'm confident it vastly exceeded the ever-popular, "D'oh".

Properly-Hyphenated News Nuggets
Source: Pagan Scribbler News Wire [09/22]

Siberian-Amerikan Coddling
Siberian-Amerikan coddling legicrap that would prohibit five Mexifornia cess-schools from using the nickname 'Redskins' didn't make the cut, prompting the state's action hero governor to terminate it with his veto. He concluded, quite rightly, that's it's an unnecessary distraction from the districts' prime function, further noting that school nicknames must be decided at the district - not the state - level.

Another Mexifornia Illegal Immigrant Raid
Citing 'national security', immigration officials raided a fencing company that did work for San Diego's North Island Naval Air Station and carted off more two dozen illegal immigrants employed by this government contractor. Am I the only one smelling a fat bureaucratic rat named Asa Hutchinson trying to cover his ample, political hack backside? I way don't think so, close our borders right goddamn now, Sparky.

Too Hot To Handle
Source: Pagan Scribbler News Wire [09/13]

The NAACP wants to shed the Secretary Ron Paige "Y'all come...Nevermind" hot political potato in the worst way, but I'm not sure why. As far as I can tell, nobody is giving them grief on it, but, whatever the reason, the group's national leadership is anxious to put the matter behind them, once and for all.

For those who don't pay attention to such things, it all started when the Ohio NAACP invited Federal Educrap Secretary Ron Paige to speak at their annual confab. Some time after Secretary Paige accepted the invite, the Ohio NAACP's president, Cybill Edwards-McNabb uninvited Secretary Paige, citing pressure from the NAACP's national leadership. Underwhelmed by the turn of events, Secretary Paige shrugged it off and went on with his life, but the matter didn't end there.

Kweisi Mfume, president of the national organization, curiously, went postal, denying the Ohio group's accusations:

'...Mfume on Sunday denied that claim, saying the Ohio NAACP chapter made the decision on its own and that the decision "was wrong and there is no other way to say it."...' (News Max).

Kweisi, dude, chill out, because, as far as I can tell, I'm the only one paying attention. The great unwashed is mesmerized by that news nitwit daily double: Hurricane Ivan, Dan Blather's Last Stand.

NAACP Disses Educrap Secretary Ron Paige
Source: News Max [09/10]

Secretary of Education Ron Paige probably blinked, twice, when, three weeks ago, Ohio's state NAACP chapter invited him to speak at their upcoming state meeting. Secretary Paige's acceptance notwithstanding, the state organization withdrew their invitation when the NAACP's national leadership ordered them to uninvite Secretary Paige. The unspoken message: he's one of "them" and they aren't welcome at any NAACP event.

Nobody should be shocked when the NAACP acts like asshats with someone like Secretary Paige. It's not even shocking that the NAACP leadership doesn't have the nads to be...men about it. When challenged on the invitation and its withdrawal, the NAACP's national spokeshole claimed it was all news to him. Why won't the NAACP's national leadership proudly proclaim their well-documented prejudices against rational, melanin-enriched adults like Secretary Ron Paige? These NAACP asshats need to grow a pair, or just shut their pie holes. Enough already!

GLAAD BAAG Marriage Wins One In Washington
Source: Seattle Post-Intelligencer [09/07]

A Thurston County judge ruled that Washington's ban on same sex marriage violates Washington's state constitution. This ruling virtually guarantees that the state's Supreme Court will address the issue. No doubt, the usual vast right-wingnut conspiracy suspects will be spewing slippery slope drivel, and they might be right. It remains to be seen if Washington's Supreme Court will serve up a ruling similar to the one reached by the Massachusetts High Court. No matter how it turns out, it's big fun time in the rain-drenched Northwest.

Hillary's Political Woes
Source: New York Post [09/06]

Empress Hillary's inexorable move toward the middle hasn't gone unnoticed by certain chronic GLAAD BAAG whiners. Her belated support for the 1998 vintage Defense of Marriage Act, plus her supernaturalist stance against same-sex marriage has those GLAAD BAAG panties in a hyper twist. Determined to show that power-obsessed 'hussy' they mean business, Big Apple based GAAD BAAGs are hounding designer Marc Jacobs to take down that Hillary adoring display in his Bleecker Street window. Take that, homophobic hussy...

I'm betting that when the time comes - 2008 seems very likely - these whiners will swish down to the polls and pull the lever for Hillary, because voting Elephant Clan is - EEK - unthinkable. Hillary is right to ignore this GLAAD BAAG mini tempest...They'll get over it...they always do.

Trouble In Siberian-Amerikan Paradise?
Source: Reuters [09/06]

A trouble-making egghead from a Brit Ivory Tower, John Moores University in Liverpool, just laid a haymaker on the Siberian-Amerikan's most cherished tenet, the claim that they were the first humans to setup housekeeping on this continent. According to a Mexican-born anthropologist, Silvia Gonzalez, new research findings indicate that the new world's original inhabitants arrived here from Australia - via Japan and Polynesia - nearly 3,000 years before the Siberian-Amerikans arrived on the scene.

'...Skulls of a people with distinctively long and narrow heads discovered in Mexico and California predated by several thousand years the more rounded features of the skulls of native Americans. One particularly well preserved skull of a long-face woman had been carbon dated to 12,700 years ago, whereas the oldest accurately dated native American skull was only about 9,000 years old...' (Reuters)

DNA tests that confirmed these findings are being run for a second time, before the results are etched in stone, but the data seems clear: Siberian-Amerikans no longer deserve the honorific..."First Immigrants". I'm shocked, shocked, I tell you...Okay, I try for "shocked" if and/or when I stop smirking.

Coddling Colonistas
Source: Washington Times [09/01]

A lasting Bubba era legacy - an executive order mandating federally-funded hospitals, clinics and doctors to offer translating services for the English-challenged - is under assault by outraged San Diego doctors. Aided and abetted by some vast right-wingnut conspiracy shysters from the Pacific Legal Foundation, the doctors painted a bull's-eye on Uncle Sam's Health and Human Services Department, as well as HHS Secretary Tommy Thompson. W will have some tall explaining to do, when his daddy, Vicente Fox, hears about this blatant swipe at this Colonistas.

Give 'em hell, Ben Casey.

The strings attached to those federal greenbacks are the principle source of Nanny State power. They're inexorably choking the life from our inalienable individual liberty.

When Uncle Sam mandates translating services for the English-challenged, does that include explaining all those big words to Amerika's functionally illiterate government cess-school graduates?

Empire State Korrectness
Source: AP [09/01]

When the 156 year old statue of a Continental Army soldier named 'Copper John' was slated for restoration, some Korrectnick intellectual flat-liner decided to "reduce the size of Copper John's crotch" (AP). Nobody wants to take credit for this notion. In fact, they'd rather not discuss it, but, when pressed on the issue, an Empire State bureaucrat wench confirmed Copper John's emasculation.

If you're not smelling the rampaging NO NAD, Korrectnik coffee, you're probably in a coma.


Coddling Colonistas
Source: Sacramento Bee [10/30]

No Child Left Behind mandates that all cess-school inmates be tested, yearly. According to the usual whiners, this educrap requirement, unfairly, punishes English-phobic Colonistas. The consequences, for Educrats, are dire, since those coffer-filling federal tax dollars are tied to the test results. What's an Educrat to do? The obvious answer is: teach the Colonistas English, whether they like it or not, but the Educrats won't go there, and the Colonistas aren't thrilled spitless about learning English, either.

In Mexas, Educrats punted the issue by letting a 'Spanish-speaking student...take standardized tests in that language for up to three years to satisfy the requirements of the federal No Child Left Behind Act' (Bee). Mexifornia Educrats would abopt this diversionary tactic in a heartbeat, but there's a pesky problem, a 1998 Mexifornia edict called prop 227. Prop 227 mandates that teachers must teach all classes in English, unless the inmate's parents sign a waver. Undaunted, Mexifornia Educrats are determined to subvert the 'will of the people', some-damn-how.

According to this Mexifornia fishwrap, Mexifornia Educrats plan 'to allow Spanish-language tests. But development of the exams won't start until at least 2006, and they won't replace English-language tests' (Bee). The scheme isn't a slam dunk solution since No Child Left Behind doesn't necessarily need to accept tests administered in Colonista lingo. D'oh! But, a solution looms on the mandatory government Educrap horizon. Since both Kerry and W are notorious Colonista coddlers, I predict that the eventual Oval Office winner will make non-English Educrap okey dokey in a heartbeat. You heard it here, first.

Another Mexas Ethnocrat Drama
Source: Pagan Scribbler News Wire [10/26]

Mexas Ethnocrats went race card bonkers when a Mexas shrink told a state legicrat committee that many tykes in the foster care system are cursed with crappy DNA. For those who insist on the hard facts, here's what Dr. Joseph Burkett opined:


"We have mental illness. I should stretch and give you a little more medical perspective on the mental illness. A lot of these kids come from bad gene pools … They don't have stable parents making good decisions, or else most of them would not be in foster care." (Tongue Tied)

Faster than you can say "bigot", Mexas NAACP officials are spouting off about "racism", "ethnic bias", and "classism". Only a career Ethnocrat can stretch this shrink's racially-neutral, inherently-factual comments into a race card episode. I don't care if you translate his prose into Swahili, it isn't the least bit racist.

Is this a race card episode in a Mexas teapot? You better believe it, the Ethnocrat who cried "bigot", Sparky.

Georgia Court On Hate Crimes
Source: News Max [10/25]

Thrilling the usual whiners spitless, Georgia's highest court just, unanimously, shot down the state's hate crime law, ruling that it is "unconstitutionally vague". As usual, this legicrap wound is self-inflicted. At first, Georgia's hate crimes law deemed a crime 'motivated specifically by the victim's race, religion, gender national origin or sexual orientation' (News Max) a "hate crime", but that didn't make the cut, so they watered it down. In the version approved, a hate crime was defined as a crime 'in which the victim or his property was targeted because of bias or prejudice' (News Max). "Unconstitutionally vague" is sounding like a Universe-size understatement.

Although this hate crime edict deserved its fate, it would be nice if some court, some-damn-where, opined that targeting 'hate' is, in essence, targeting a perpetrators thoughts. Just once I'd like to hear some black robed justice purveyor state that only a person's actions - not his, her or its alleged thoughts - are the overriding issue in a court of law. I know...I know...I'm dreaming the impossible dream...again. So sue me.

Seattle's New Ethnocrat Educrat
Source: Seattle Times [10/19]

Seattle's government cess-schools just hired their first official diversity Educrat - Seattle Public School's Equity and Race Relations Director - and this career Ethnocrat is a real piece of work. Caprice Hollins' resume is so steeped in victimism and race card wrangling it's accurate to report that group think, multiculturalism and all that goes with this victimism bovine excrement are her life's work. Here are a few tidbits from this terminally-Korrect, Seattle Times article:


As a licensed clinical psychologist she specialized in 'marginalized populations' such as 'low-income people with HIV and AIDS, Latina and African American teenage mothers'.

Taught multicultural issues at several Seattle area Ivory Towers.

Perpetrated workshops in 'cultural and racial diversity'.

'Crisis intervention' at a government cess-school this fishwarp called 'Seattle's African-American Academy'.

Apparently, Seattle Educrats convinced themselves that 'the achievement gap between white and Asian children and hispanics and blacks' is due to our perennial favorite "institutional racism", so they decided to level the academic playing field by making the city's cess-schools equally crappy for all inmates. Ms. Hollins will spearhead this dumbing down of city Educrap via 'developing a district-wide program to train staff, parents and community members on cultural awareness and understanding ' plus 'devising instructional methods designed to combat institutional racism' (Seattle Times).

In reality, Seattle Educrap's primary problem is Educrats' insistence on grouping students according to their immutable traits, using melanin-content as the primary criteria. With that accomplished, they view unequal results, based on these asinine, utterly irrelevant, immutable traits as the smoking gun that proves institutional Educrap racism. Instead of hiring this chronically-oppressed, race card wrangler, these rain-soaked Educrats should try something different. What if, for a change, Seattle's Educrats scrapped this group think B.S. and addressed student educational needs on an individual by individual basis. I know...I know...That won't happen until this multiculturalism plagued, educrap hell freezes over.

Am I the only one who remembers those oppressive, long dead, times when schools - you might want to send the nippers out of the room, before you read more - taught such mundane things as reading, writing, math and the like? When did schools scrap education and institute race-baiting, victim-coddling, and properly-hyphenated whining as core subjects? There are times - right now for example - when I'm convinced that I'm the last rational adult in Amerika. This is hardly a reassuring notion, because, if I'm the last rational adult in this nation, Amerika is a much scarier place than anyone dares to admit.

For those who protest that this pagan scribbler is, unfairly, maligning Ms. Hollins as a career Ethnocrat - and we both know who you are - consider the following quote from the aforementioned Ms. Hollins:


"...I'll be part of a system that some people see as an oppressive system. So it's kind of this dual role -- on one hand I'm part of the system and on the other, I have the role of dismantling that institutional racism. So in that way it's different." (Caprice Hollins, as quoted by the Seattle Times)

If this Ethnocrat wench can't hound, browbeat and intimidate oppressors and Asians into straight-F submission, nobody can, because when it comes to race card wrangling, she wrote the damn book.

Victimism In Action
Source: Pagan Scribbler News Wire [10/17]

Anything But That
Celebrants at Chicago's Columbus Day parade got their panties in a bunch when a disc jockey riding atop a float cranked up 'a thumping, up-tempo version of the theme song from "The Godfather" movies' (Chicago Tribune). Faster than a speeding meatball, the whiners in Fieri - a group that goes postal over all these fictional Italian gangsters in movies and television - ordered the record spinner to knock it off. The fun fact here is that the float carrying this musically-challenged D.J. was sponsored by...you guessed it, Fieri's Chicago chapter.

Protesting Redneck Culture
The National Association for Minority Race fans claims that the suits running NASCAR allow their redneck, Rebel flag waving, fans to give the properly-hyphenated, plus NO-NADs, a boo-boo on their fragile psyche. NAMRF is so upset over this shabby treatment, they staged a protest at Concord, North Carolina's, Lowe's Motor Speedway, on Saturday. That will show those rustic oppressors...or will it?

If you happened to attend this NASCAR race and didn't see the protesting horde, that's because only 18 NAMRF cohorts showed up. How big a problem can it be, if you can't muster more than 18 whiners?

Another Siberian-Amerikan Hissy Fit
Source: Sacramento Bee [10/14]

It only took then 53 years, but Siberian-Amerikan whiners finally decided that a Paris nightclub named "The Crazy Horse" gives Siberian-Amerikans in general, and Chief Crazy Horse's descendants in particular, a boo-boo on their notoriously fragile psyches. They're sending a Siberian-Amerikan named Albert Red Cloud to Paris, so he can shame this Crazy Horse booty palace into changing its name. Will the French put up a fight, or are they already dry cleaning the white flag? Stay tuned for all the thrilling details.

Are these Siberian-Amerikan whiners that sure the original Crazy Horse wouldn't appreciate the scantily clad Parisian hotties prancing around in their feathered headdresses and little else? The dude was a magnificent warrior, but he was also a dude, and no dude ever looked away when a hottie struts her stuff. Maybe it would help if the Crazy Horse hotties screamed "Geronimo", every time they flash their booty.

Detroit's Racial Politics
Source: Washington Times [10/08]

Some Motor City bright bulbs in positions of authority decided to emulate other cities that feature a 'China Town', 'Korea Town', 'Little Saigon', 'Little Italy', etc., by funding a racial enclave they dubbed "African Town". Unless you consider certain details, a redevelopment project that would feature 'African and black American literature, cuisine and art' (Washington Times) doesn't seem fatally flawed, conceptually. That might explain why Detroit's mayor, Kwame Kilpatrick, went along with the idea, when the city council first discussed it. Eventually, certain devilish details changed his mind.

First, and foremost, the mayor balked because the proposed funding - $38 million in dead presidents - would go, exclusively, to Melanin-Enriched businessmen and investors. Deeming the council's "African Town" resolution racist and unconstitutional, the mayor vetoed it. Undaunted, the council overrode this mayoral thumbs down and passed the non-binding resolution by a 7-2 vote.

As thrilling as all this Melanin-Enriched horse hockey is for those concerned, the Motor City's other racial minorities aren't thrilled spitless. The Asian, Hispanic and Arab chambers of commerce are doing their best to have this resolution deep-sixed when it comes up for a third - and final - vote, on October 11. Ironically, even the city's African-Amerikan chamber of commerce has declared "African Town" an unconstitutional notion.

Setting aside the annoying - in the extreme - concept of racially-defined chambers of commerce, this pagan scribbler is left with the burning, unasked, question: Why the hell does Detroit, a town that is 81% Melanin-Enriched, need an "African Town"?

Thought One: The only Motor City racial group that isn't spouting off about "African Town" is whitey.

Thought Two: Anyone who wants a warts and all glimpse at big city racial politics in its most virulent form needs to read this Washington Times article in its entirety.

A Self-Hating Mecca Maniac?
Source: Washington Times [10/01]

McAllen (Mexas) denizen, Amjad Abunar, had everyone in a frenzy when he promoted himself to hate crime victim status, claiming that '..."Go Home" was spray-painted on his market before a fire gutted it last month..' (Washington Times). The CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) punks showed up to annoy every-damn-body with their accusation that Mecca Maniac-related hate crime was running rampant in Mexas. Curiously, the perpetrator turned out to be...I'd hate to spoil the surprise for you.

Fast forward to the present and CAIR is nowhere to be seen, after Amjad confessed that he staged the whole thing himself, including torching his own business. It would be nice if once, just once, CAIR would apologize for running off at the mouth, before all the facts surfaced, but that's never going to happen. Don't let their slick packaging fool you, because, the CAIR punks are, in reality, Je$$e Jackson-class, victimism-peddling opportunists with dish towels on their noodle.


A Gender-Bending Drama
Source: Sacramento Bee [11/30]

Donita Ganzon's secret stayed safe, until she decided to import a husband from the old country - the Phillippines - three years ago. As a U.S. citizen, Donita's plan to make her new hubby street legal looked routine, until during an interview with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS) minions, she owned up to 'it'.


'...[Donita] revealed that she had undergone a male-to-female sex change operation in 1981...' (Bee)

That fast, Donita's quest to make new hubby, Jiffy Javenella, Uncle Sam cool careened off happily ever after highway and into the 'marriage is between one man and one woman' ditch. An April 2004 vintage, internal Department of Homeland Security memorandum is the goodie that sent "happily ever after" into a tailspin: "[CIS policy] disallows recognition of change of sex in order for a marriage between two persons born of the same sex to be considered bona fide..." (Bee). Game, set, match, Donita. Color hubby gone-o-la.

As expected, Donita is lawyered up and suing the government to have her new squeeze legalized. As fun as this epic is, there are several issues that make it especially nifty for this pagan scribbler:


Unless the CIS interviewers asked, why did he-turn-she bring up her nads-nipping adventure?

No matter how he-turned-she got that way, Donita must be very hot stuff. Why? How else to you explain a 58-year-old almost girl bagging a 27 year old stud?

When she got her citizenship in 1987, Donita was certified as "female" on Uncle Sam's paperwork.

Why would anyone name a dude "Jiffy"?

What, exactly, is Donita's fatal charm? Is it her horizontal exploits? Or, is it her Amerikan citizenship? It's enquiring minds time, again, in the pagan bunker.

Seattle's Super-Sized Fun
Source: Indianapolis Star [11/17]

A feel good piece about certain nightlife options available to super-sized Seattle denizens is crammed full of newsworthy tidbits. For starters, these Hoosier scribblers never serve up the other 'F' word: fat. In fact, they don't even use the prevailing buzzword: obese. Instead they go Korrectnik bonkers with euphemisms like: "size-acceptance community", "plus-size people", "BBW" (big beautiful women), "BHM" (big, handsome men), and my personal favorite "size-positive". After spewing all those Korrectnik terms, I need to go wash my mouth out with soap, but I digress...again.

The actual story - an unambiguous no harm, no foul - concerns a Seattle porker who founded a group, "Abundance Northwest", that stages regular "size-positive club nights" (Star) for the hefty northwest herd.


'..."After I got divorced, I felt like I would never meet anybody who would want to go out with me (because) I was so large," said Susan James, 42, who started Abundance Northwest last December with friend Tina Walker. "It wasn't until I discovered the size-acceptance community that I realized I shouldn't let my weight cause me to not get out there and have fun, and not use that as an excuse."...' (Star)

If you mainline on wide-load whoopie, Seattle - apparently - has a sized-up surplus. If you're a hippo fancier - and we both know that you are - stock up on some wide load lures - Krispy Kreme, I suppose, since Seattle is a no harpoon zone - book that flight and cut a hippo from Seattle's human herd. It's the "size-positive" thing to do, lard loving Sparky.

Is It Something We Said?
Source: Contra Costa Times [11/15]

A woman who took a job as a write's assistant on the now defunct "Friends" show in 1999 was so "degraded" by the writers' over-the-top sexual banter, she sued the production company for sexual harassment - hostile working environment, of course - when the company dumped her after 4 months on the job. This whiner perpetrated her harassment suit, despite the fact that she had been warned, before she took the job, about the "racy discussions". The "boys" who wrote this innuendo-laden show sound like a fun group, if whining wench, Amaani Lyle can be believed:


'..."They would basically sit like teenagers in a locker room, talking about, you know ... things they wanted to do to the cast and walking around pretending to masturbate and just ridiculous conduct," she said. They also talked about their personal sexual experiences, mused over sexual matters involving actors Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox and David Schwimmer, and ruminated on the most attractive types of breasts and buttocks, Lyle said...' (CC Times)

Warner Brothers' shyster puts these juvenile scribbler antics into their proper persepective:


'..."The show deals with sex and sexual references and anatomical references," said Adam Levin, a lawyer for Warner Bros. and the writers and producers they employed. "It is axiomatic that writers need to talk about sex, joke about sex and laugh about sex."...' (CC Times)

To fully understand why this is newsworthy, we need to set for the legal issues being adjudicated:


'...Does an employee have the right not to be to subjected to offensive sexual conversations and profanities at work even when the work involves writing for a show that deals with sexual material?

The court's ruling may determine whether laws designed to protect workers from sexual, racial and other kinds of discrimination in the workplace should be limited when the offensive conduct occurs during a creative process...' (CC Times)

In a properly-constitutional Amerika, one built upon inalienable individual liberty and an unfettered free marketplace, a judge would tell this whining wench to go pound sand. But, in our Nanny State plagued times, there's a 50-50 chance that his whining womyn will prevail.

I have no direct experience, or knowledge, about a hit television show's writers dungeon or the antics prepetrated therein. But, based on brainstorming sessions conducted at PIG's top secret headquarters, I can state with considerable authority that creative brainstorming sessions aren't safe for sissies, whiners, losers, the chronically oppressed, or the faint of heart.

Korrectnik News Nuggets
Source: Pagan Scribbler News Wire [11/08]

A Korrectnik Homecoming
Campus Korrectniks at the University of Washington banished the titles 'Homecoming King', 'Homecoming Queen', adopting a kinder, gentler, 'Homecoming Royalty', instead. This asinine move might thrill U of W NO-NADS spitless, but what about the other campus way lefties? Isn't the new title, 'Homecoming Royalty', egregiously aristocratic and riddled with 'classism'? Instead of this blatant slap in proletariat faces, I suggest something much more Korrect: 'Randomly Chosen Homecoming Comrades'. Why must I do all the heavy lifting when it comes to these things? [Sigh]

Ethnocrat Misery Shrine
The 'rub whitey's nose in it' faction in the Melanin-Enriched Ethnocrat horde is up to here with 'intolerable' delays holding up a new Philly misery shrine.. What shrine you ask? As usual, it's all about slavery, so what else is new?


'...black leaders and scholars are accusing the National Park Service of dragging its feet on a congressional order to commemorate slaves kept by George Washington at the first presidential mansion...' (AP)

Why, exactly, do we need this misery shrine? I don't know, nor do I really give a flaming damn. This shrine's obvious intent involves making whitey miserable, but that's hardly breaking news. Misery shrines - like this one - are built to assure chronically-oppressed Melanin-Enriched 'victims' that their pathetic plight isn't really their fault. It's all whitey's doing, these shrines proclaim. I really should try to tone down my oppression, but it's not easy...So many eager victims, so little time.

Believe it or not, I'm behind this new misery shrine 1000%. By all means, fast track this new shrine, that floats Melanin-Enriched Ethnocrat boats. But, don't hold your breath waiting for this oppressor to sacrifice on the shrine's 'whitey did it' altar. My reason for supporting this bovine excrement is simple: if building it shuts Ethnocrats up - albeit temporarily - it's cheap at twice the price.

Sunshine State Silliness
Source: South Florida Sun-Sentinel [11/05]

While everyone obsessed over the 2004 election cycle, Highland Park hacks, secretly, coddled Sushi Slammers by renaming "Jap Rock" to "Yamato Park". "Jap" gives Sushi Slammer whiners a boo-boo, we're told, because it evokes dusty WWII memories of internment camps. Poor babies! Although a "that happened 60-plus years ago, get over it" is badly needed, it's not forthcoming, because, like most hacks, Highland Park's elected officials don't have the nads to be that real.

If you think this ends the matter, guess again. Proving that, for Ethnocrat asshats, it's never enough, at least one Sushi Slammer whiner isn't satisified:


'...[The Japanese American Citizen League's chief whiner] John Tateishi called it a first step in removing the more than 2,000 listings of "Jap" in Florida auto repair shop signs, newspaper advertisements and phone books...' (Sun-Sentinel)

No matter how hard hacks try to appease these wounded Ethocrat psyches, Ethnocrat asshats, like Mr. Tateishi, will never be satisfied. Long after the last "Jap" reference is expunged, John - and others of his ilk - will still be whining about interment camps, because complaining is an Ethnocrat asshat's sole function on this planet. If no actual oppression exists, they'll invent some. Failing that, they'll trot out a timeworn Ethnocrat tactic: dredging up long forgotten oppression episodes.

If "Jap" gives John a boo-boo, it's his personal problem, period:


"Since a word is nothing more than an ethically-neutral sequence of sound waves, it only has as much power for good or evil as the listener bestows upon it. There are no intrinsically 'offensive' sound waves, there are only hypersensitive listeners who are predisposed to being offended by them." (PIG Doctrine)

Game, set match...You lose, John.


Decisions, Decisions
Source: Pagan Scribbler News Wire [12/30]

GLAAD BAAGs scored courthouse victories in two different states this week, a fact that will thrill the usual suspects spitless.

This case centered on the state university system's employee heath benefits in general and its policies toward unmarried couples in particular. The university allowed an employee to cover his or her common law spouse, if - and only if - the significant other was of the opposite sex. Same sex couples were, routinely, banned from the same coverage for their significant other, a university system policy that led to the court challenge.


'...The high court said it found no justification for treating unmarried same-sex couples differently from married [common law marriages] ones. "These two groups, although similarly situated in all respects other than sexual orientation, are not treated equally and fairly," the court said...' (AP)

At first glance, this ruling falls squarely in the 'no harm, no foul' column...so sue me.

Arkansas legicrats invited trouble when they gave the state's Child Welfare Agency Review Board '...the power to "promote the health, safety and welfare of children" (Seattle Post-Intelligencer). In retrospect, this legicrap is too specific, a fact noted by a recent court ruling.

The aforementioned Child Welfare cabal put their bureaucratic foot in it, in 1999, with a decree banning gays from being foster parents. The edict also banned foster kids from residing in any foster home that also houses any gay individual. Fast forward to December 2004 and it's a new ball game in Billy Clinton's backyard.


'...[Judge Timothy Fox noted that] the regulation seeks to regulate "public morality" - something the board was not given the authority to do. "The testimony and evidence overwhelmingly showed that there was no rational relationship between the ... blanket exclusion (of gays) and the health, safety and welfare of the foster children," Fox wrote...' (Post-Intelligencer)

Will Billy Clinton's homeboys rescue foster tykes from those dastardly GLAAD BAAGs? Probably, because this shyster drama is far from finished.

Atlanta's GLAAD BAAG Angst
Source: Seattle Post-Intelligencer [12/27]

Atlanta Mayor, Shirley Franklin, painted a GLAAD BAAG bull's-eye on Druid Hills Golf Course because the club dared to determine which benefits to confer on club members. Enraged by the club's GLAAD BAAG related policies, Mayor Franklin vows to fine Druid Hills $90,000 - $500 per day for 6 months - unless the give 'spousal benefits to the partners of gay members' (Post-Intelligencer).


'...[The fines stem from] Atlanta's human rights ordinance, which requires businesses to treat domestic partners registered with the city as married couples...' (Post-Intelligencer)

Druid Hills management responded - via an e-mail to its membership - with polite, but non-negotiable, prose that loosely translates as a Southern-accented "bite me, Mayor Wench". Obviously Druid Hills management understands that Mayor Franklin needs a remedial course in butting the hell out. It's as simple as Druid Hills' club; Druid Hills' rules; none of your damn business, hack breath.

The Bay State, Triangle, Tantrum
Source: Bedford Minuteman (Bedford, Mass.) [12/25]

Parental angst reached critical mass at a Bedford (Massachusetts) school committee meeting, thanks to some triangular cess-school decor. Like most cess-school brain farts, the upside down pink triangles sacrifice limited educrap resources on self-esteem's properly-hyphenated altar.


'...[the agitated parents complained about] a pink triangle sticker that appears on windows of some classrooms. The upside-down pink triangle marks a "safe zone" for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender youth (GLBT) and their adult allies. A place where GLBT students can seek support and advice from someone willing to offer assistance...' (Minuteman)

'...[the stickers are] "...a symbol which alerts all individuals entering our schools that the person displaying this symbol is a caring adult that any student can turn to when he/she wishes to discuss any issue regarding sexual identity." (From a letter by School Committee Chairman Linda Vanaria as quoted in the Minuteman)

When, exactly, did coddling the differently-sexual become a core, Educrap, function? With Educrats obsessing on this feel-good crap, it's small wonder than Johnny can't read, write or compute.

Well-intentioned as it might be, this pink triangle program has no place in government cess-schools. When Educrats finally succeed in imparting meaningful knowledge to their young charges...When Educrats finally succeed in graduating cess-school survivors who can read, write and compute, we'll, uh, discuss some of this feel good crap. But, until that unlikely event, Educrats need to stop screwing around on the taxpayers' dime and buckle down with some serious, 3-R based, Educrap. Don't make me come over there.

If the marketplace is clamoring for gleefully-GAAD BAAG, self-affirming idiots, I, obviously missed this stop the presses news nugget.

This Bay State fishwrap's prose did serve up a stellar 'learn something new every day' tidbit about the ubiquitous, GLAAD BAAG, pink triangle:


'...The pink triangle was originally used to mark gay men during the Holocaust and the black triangle which sometimes appears with it was used to mark lesbians, gypsies and "deviant" women. They have since been adopted by the community as a representation of its people...' (Minuteman)

Take notes, loyal readers, there might be a pop quiz.

Kulture Shock
Source: Pagan Scribbler News Wire [12/24]

Tykes arriving at a New York City YMCA for a swim meet got an unexpected lesson in gender bending when they ran into participants from an overnight transsexual extravaganza. Parental tolerance went out the window, when startled, terminally annoyed, parents greeted the differently-masculine trannies with 'sexual slurs'. After a scuffle broke out, the local men in blue arrived to restore order, but the matter didn't end there.

Reacting to the ensuing public uproar, YMCA officials handed outraged parents a peace offering by firing the acting director and accepting the 'voluntary' resignation of the Big Apple YMCA's programming manager. That's fine, as far as it goes, but it still leaves one pesky, too hot to handle detail that must be resolved at the parental level. What, exactly, does mom say when little Johnnie asks: "Why was that man wearing a dress, mommy?" I can't be only one hearing mom say, "Go ask your father?"

Race Card Wranglers
Source: Tongue Tied [12/15]

When it comes to race card wrangling, everyone gets to play...

Ethnocrat Journalist Angst
NBC's new Nightly News anchor, Brian Williams, is already in hot water with the properly-hyphenated horde, after he spouted off about News Nitwit diversity. To a rational adult, his comments seem harmless enough, but to the chronically-offended, 'Journalists of Color', Brian's blithering is straight out of the KKK handbook:


'...in response to a question about the lack of diversity in newsroom management – that, "We have bigger problems. There are no black members of the Senate. We should keep some perspective on this ..."...' (Tongue Tied quotes Brian Williams)

When press card packing Ethnocrats slapped Williams with the race card, he quickly spouted CYA drivel about the importance of diversity in newsrooms. Bold new concept. Maybe Brian Williams can explain to this pagan scribbler how a color-coded, rainbow coalition, News Nitwit cadre enhances journalism's core function to convey the venerable "who, what, when, where, and why" on the day's events. If the facts, reality, changes depending on the reporter's race, it's no longer news...it's commentary and that belongs on a editorial page, not the news section.

How bad can this News Nitwit diversity shortage be, if there are enough properly-hyphenated dolts to form a 'Journalists of Color' cadre?

VRWC Plays The Race Card
When Tommy Daschel's successor as Senate Minority Leader, Senator Harry Reid (D-NV), laid some verbal smack on Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, the VRWC horde in general, and the Kool-Aid club in particular, went publically postal. "Racism", they bellowed. "Blatant racism against a sitting Supreme Court Justice", they raged.

Just for fun, we'll take peek at Senator Reid's "racist" prose:


'...Reid said Thomas is an "embarassment to the court" and his opinions are "poorly written." Because he then praised white Justice Antonin Scalia on NBC’s Meet the Press...' (Tongue Tied)

This Senatorial opinion, might be wrong, but it's no shit not racist, but don't tell that to the outraged VRWC horde:


'..."I consider Senator Reid's comments against Justice Thomas to be among the boldest and most unambiguously racist public attacks since the day when lynchings were commonplace and Orval Faubus and Bull Connor openly used their political power to keep blacks down," said Mychal Massie, a member of Project 21, a black leadership network...' (Tongue Tied)

What, exactly is Mychal smoking these days? Whatever it is, he needs to cut back, because he's completly detached from reality. Is Reid's high court critique racist? Not in this, or any other, lifetime, Ethnocrat Sparky.

Properly Diverse Juries
Source: Houston Chronicle [12/13]

Shysters for convicted killer Ronald Jeffrey Prible didn't base their appeal on their client's innocence. Instead, they based it on the thrilling - to them - fact that the jury selection process is unconstitutional because the jury wasn't properly diverse. According to the shysters' stats, Harris County (Mexas) - where the trial took place - is 30% Sombrero Stomper, but the 300 strong jury pool for their client's trial only had 37 'Hispanics' (12%). Of those 37, none were put on the jury. Some-damn-how, this means this killer didn't get a fair trial, according to these shyster asshats.

The lone voice of reason on this matter comes from Harris County District Clerk Charles Bacarisse who points out the "well, duh" reality that the shyster statistics are misleading:


'...Bacarisse contends that, considering exclusions such as inability to read and write English, Hispanics actually make up about 17 percent of those eligible to serve. Regardless, he acknowledges the extraordinary challenge of getting people to show up. Only 17 percent to 20 percent respond to summonses, he said...' (Chronicle)

If you don't understand that this properly diverse jury bovine excrement is blatant racism, wake the hell up! It assumes, erroneously, that each race has it's own set of 'truths'. Like it's academic counterpart, this jury diversity brainfart promotes the fetid notion that no two racial groups think alike. Individuals, it seems, are irrelevant, since each person is "born with" his racial group's pre-ordained beliefs. Therefore, only a properly diverse jury - one that is suitably color coded - will provide the necessary spectrum of beliefs needed for a jury pool. Let whitey spew this crap and he'd have Je$$e in his face in a heartbeat.

In a rational world, these bleeding-heart, Mexas shysters would learn the necessary lesson on properly-hyphenated juries from the O.J. trial. His jury was properly diverse, and then some, which explains why this double murderer is lurking on Florida golf courses, instead of residing on death row in San Quentin. Call me names if you must, but one O.J. jury in my lifetime is more than enough.

Will these shysters insist that each jury represent, to 57 decimal places, the exact racial composition of the local populace? Will justice be reduced to an asinine, hyphen-hunting frenzy, instead of a dispassionate adjudication of the relevant facts? The answer to both is 'yes', if these Mexas shysters succeed in their Quixotian Quest.

Re-Hashing The Matthew Shepard Case
Source: World Net Daily [12/11]

Recent jailhouse revelations put a notorious hate crime - Matthew Shepard's murder - back in the news. The fun started when the two killers re-scripted this notorious crime against GLAAD BAAGs by claiming that it had nothing to do with Shepard's bun ranger proclivities. It was, they now claim, about money, money needed to bag some drugs. You won't need Nostradamus to predict that the usual GLAAD BAAG suspects went postal, refusing to consider the possibility. Matthew Shepard's murder is a centerpiece in GLAAD BAAG politics and is therefore sacrosanct. It is/was a hate crime because they need it to be a hate crime. So there...

This renewed interest in the Matthew Shepard murder also elevated terminally perky boob tube lefty, Katie Couric, into the "don't you dare say that" hot seat, thanks to a 6-year-old interview she conducted with the Governor of Wyoming (where the murder occurred). During that interview, perky Katie asked the question that still has the rigidly righteous right hissing and spitting:


'...Couric asked the governor whether "conservative political organizations like the Christian Coalition, the Family Research Council and Focus on the Family are contributing to this anti-homosexual atmosphere" by suggesting homosexuals can change their sexual orientation. "That prompts people to say," Couric added in her question, "'If I meet someone who is homosexual, I'm going to take action and try to convince them or try to harm them.'"...' (WND)

Fast forward to 2004 and Focus on the Family, among others is demanding a belated apology from NBC, for their lefty anchorette's antics. They're mad as hell and aren't gonna take it anymore. In case they ask at the trial, the fun facts that put these righteous righty groups in Katie's bull's-eye involves a "homos ain't cool" ad campaign perpetrated by one, or all, of the groups Katie named, in the period leading up to Shepard's murder:


'...NBC reporter David Gregory raised the same questions in a news piece, saying, "The ads were controversial for portraying gays and lesbians as sinners who had made poor choices, despite the growing belief that homosexuality may be genetic. ... Have the ads fostered a climate of anti-gay hate that leads to incidents like the killing of Matthew Shepard? Gay rights activists say the ads convey a message that gay people are defective."...' (WND)

As thrilling as this "why did Matthew Shepard really die" bovine excrement must be for GLAAD BAAGs, righteous righty retards, and News Nitwits, this pagan scribbler is singularly unimpressed. As usual, they're all missing the damn point. As vile as Matthew Shepard's murder was, would anyone feel better if the two scumbags murdered him because he wore the 'wrong' shoes, j-walked, or drank the wrong brand of beer? Would anyone feel better if Matthew Shepard was chosen at random, and got killed because these vermin felt like offing somebody? Murder is murder, period. There aren't any 'noble', 'acceptable', motives for murder. How many times to I need to repeat this crap?

"'Hate Crime' infers, erroneously, that there are 'noble' motives for committing a crime. Assault is assault and murder is murder, no matter what the intellectually flat-lining perpetrator has on his alleged mind." (PIG Doctrine)

Kweisi Canned?
Source: Human Events [12/06]

The vaunted rumor mill hints that NAACP President and CEO Kweisi Mfume's resignation wasn't, strictly speaking, voluntary. Writing in 'Human Events', Armstrong Williams opines that Kweisi got the hook from NAACP Chairman Julian Bond, after Kweisi dared to think outside his assigned victimhood box. Ethnocrat Bond refused to tolerate that and strong-armed Kweisi into quitting.


'...The two began feuding after Mfume nominated National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice for his 2003 NAACP Image Award...'

'...The rift grew as Mfume continued to reach out to the Republican Party. Mfume realized that by reflexively voting Democrat in every election, the black voting populace has given away most of their political bartering power...'

'...The final tear came after the election. Mfume suggested sending a letter to President Bush, mapping out ways that they could work together to help the community. Bond rejected the idea. Mfume sent the letter anyway...' (Human Events)

With the last rational adult evicted, the NAACP will continue to lose any residual moral authority, until it's nothing more than a Melanin-Enriched rubber stamp for the Donkey Clan's perpetually whining lefties. It's Julian Bond's victimhood hell, so it's more than fair that he burn in it, along with his chronically-whining NAACP cohorts.


Racially Profiling Drug Dealers In Seattle
Source: Seattle Times

A University of Washington egghead - Associate Sociology Professor Katherine Beckett - is outraged that Seattle Police racially profile the city's drug dealers. Her 78 page report cites arrest records to prove that too many properly hyphenated drug dealers are getting nabbed - 63% black, 14% Hispanic, Asian and Siberian-American - and too few whites - only 19%. I'm shocked, shocked I tell you and so is she.

Lacking solid evidence for her claims, this egghead whiner pulled numbers out of her Ivory Tower ass:

'...Beckett then used various factors to estimate the race of drug dealers. She looked at the racial breakdown of drug users; made observations at two outdoor drug markets downtown and on Capitol Hill; and used data from a Seattle Needle Exchange survey and research that shows users usually buy drugs from people of their own race. Her conclusion: A majority of dealers are white.

The racial breakdown of drug dealers, Beckett acknowledges, is not based on hard data...' (Seattle Times)

Activists, Korrectniks and other alleged humans jumped into the melee, accepting this wench's dubious statistics, because it suited their political purposes. Saner heads among the drug Nazis vilify the report's methodology, but it's a complete waste of time. Korrectniks and other Ethnocrats never let facts interfere when a lie suits them better.

The sad fact here is that this debate misses the central point. The answer isn't arresting a statistically correct white perp percentage. The answer is to legalize drugs, making the drug taker responsible for any actions he, she or it perpetrates while in that altered state. It's called individual liberty and its corollary, individual accountability.

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Source: South Florida Sun-Sentinel

The newest high school fad - the girl-on-girl liplock - is all the rage, according to this Florida fishwrap. Labeled 'bisexual chic' it's - undoubtedly - occurring at a teenage gathering near you. Predictably, this pagan scribbler deems the usual suspects' reactions more intriguing than two wenchlets smooching.

Assorted GLAAD-BAAG activists sound off in this Sun-Sentinel article:

"It's a bisexuality that's focused on heterosexuality in that it's still focused on pleasing a man, a heterosexual audience, and in that sense it's not progressive. Sexism plays into it. Girls in our culture aren't supposed to have a sexuality on their own terms." (Jessie Gilliam, program manager for a GLAAD BAAG web site called Youth Resource)

'...Toby Hill-Meyer, a University of Oregon student doing his Master's on how people identify their own sexuality, says that because of "bisexual chic" many "true" bisexuals resist identifying with that word anymore. "They don't want to be associated with that trendiness."...'

Thus enlightened, we now have the big picture as seen through these myopic 'activist' eyes. Dastardly sexist hormone gorillas 'oppress' the wenches into this faux bisexuality, so it's these loathsome males who give 'real bisexuals' a boo-boo on their genderally-confused psyches. I really should stop doing that.

This fishwrap never metions the most celebrated girl-on-girl liplock - the ubiquitous Titney-Madonna kiss. Is this celebrated smooch the inception for this bisexual chic trend, or simply a belated public reflection of it? Enquiring minds might want to know.


San Jose Ethnocrat Angst
Source: AP via Sacramento Bee

San Jose is ground zero for a three-way properly hyphenated whiz-a-thon over a proposed street renaming. A retired melanin-enriched cop thinks that 'King Road' - named after an 1850's era denizen, Andrew King - should be changed to 'Martin Luther King Jr. Road' - Curiously, this notion rubs King Road dwelling Sombrero Stompers the wrong way, and the lotus clan isn't thrilled spitless, either.

Sombrero Stompers ask why name a street after MLK Jr. when their hero, Caesar Chavez - a home grown San Jose hero - deserves the honor more. Lotus clan locals don't have any heroes, homegrown or otherwise, but they don't favor a name change either, because it warps their English-challenged, non-linear minds.

This PIG scribbler opines that, if this is San Jose's number one, properly-hyphenated problem life is damn good. In other words, zip your lips and stop this god damn whining.

This fishwrap prattle includes some arresting prose:

'...Across the nation, more than 660 streets are named after King, says Derek Alderman, a cultural geographer at East Carolina University. The renaming process began soon after King's slaying in 1968 and, as in San Jose, has often been fraught with conflict...' (AP)

Will someone, any - damn - one, define "cultural geographer" for this puzzled pagan scribbler. Holy bullshit jobs, Batman! Exactly!

Properly-Hyphenated Tyranny:
Source: World Net Daily

A melanin-enriched, Milwaukee cop claims that his racist boss kept him down by denying him the promotions he earned, but don't start speed dialing Je$$e, yet. Why? Because the racist police chief - like assorted other racist police officials - is also melanin-enriched. The maligned officer - Eric J. Moore - isn't 'black enough' Chief Arthur L. Jones opined, dissing Lt. Moore for being "too friendly with whites".

Its an opinion Chief Jones passed down to certain key subordinates:

'...Moore accuses a former supervisor, deputy chief Leslie Barber, of comparing him and his former partner to characters from the old "Amos 'n' Andy" radio and TV show of the 1920s through '50s, the Journal Sentinel said The complaint alleges Barber said Moore would never be promoted to captain because he "runs around here talking to those damn white people."...'

"Don't be a court jester like Eric Moore and be entertainment for these white folks. Eric be running around here shucking and jiving, skinning and grinning in these white folks' faces and he should realize ... they really don't like his a--." (Another supervisor under whom Lt. Moore served, Monica Ray, as quoted by WND)

Contrary to Je$$e's propaganda, monolithic melanin-enriched thought, behavior, is not a ploy perpetrated by racist oppressors. It's imposed by tyrannical, group-think, 'celebrate your victimhood' clans to punish uncooperative group members. Kudos to Lt. Moore for daring to be the group think moron's worst enemy: an individual.

Politically Correct Bathrooms
Source: Chicago Sun-Times

University of Chicago GLAAD-BAAG's and their NO-NAD cohorts are shocked, shocked I tell you that certain generally-confused students are intimidated over which bathroom to use.

"Persons who are not easily legible as a male or female often experience various forms of intimidation in these places..." (Coalition for A Queer Safe Campus as quoted by the Sun-Times)

One proposed solution involves what the GLAAD-BAAG's call 'gender neutral bathrooms'. These are, usually, single occupancy heads that anyone can use...one person at a time, regardless of their alleged gender. NO-NAD's have a better plan, one that harkens back to their earlier, glory days. Did you know that NO-NAD's seek to eliminate gender-specific bathrooms and replace them with unisex bathrooms? Neither did I, but it's par for the NO-NAD course.

'...Mary Anne Case, a professor of law at the University of Chicago...studied the early roots of feminism and the inequality in sex segregated bathrooms. Case said that along with creating more bathroom space for women - a typical problem in public facilities - the gender-neutral bathroom would also give men and women less reasons to separate in social functions...' (Sun-Times, emphasis added)

The NO-NAD campaign to banish every males-only haven finally strayed into utter lunacy. How else to you explain this NO-NAD paranoia about men convening together in their sexually-segregated bathrooms? What, exactly, are they smoking?

– Compiled by T.D. Treat

© Copyright 1993-2005 PIG - The Politically Incorrect Gazette




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